Monday, February 7, 2022

Manic Monday #63


Well some times your the shooter and sometimes you are the goalie......

While I was still able to get modelling done this weekend, my snese of accomplishment was ok. 

After working a few hours over night and going to checkup at doctors office, I began modeling after taking a nap Thursday. 

I was able to block out a a few colors before calling it a night. One of the big discussions I had with my friend Entropmancer was my Brotherhood. He agrees even though I have tons of vehicles my forces rely on the infantry more than the vehicles. So I am switching over to the 2nd Brotherhood, Blades  of Victory. 

Friday I was able to get more work done but I did focus mroe on My Hell Rain Inquistorial Storm Troopers.

And well I finished my Sally Forth Hobby Challenge Vow

Alpha Squad led my Sgt Rodrigo

And since I finished Alpha Squad, I figured I work on my Commissar and finish her up as well. Introducing Commissar Kiera Lynx

Since I was done with these 6 models I resumed working on Grey Knights

Saturday I hung out with my gaming Group and watched a  4 player 1,000 pt each team game, Imperial (Vanguard Detachment and Astra Militarium) vs Xenos (Genestealer Cult and Orks). 

what happens when the spectators get bored

After watching the Vanguard player and seeing the rules... I was not impressed. So I genenrated a list using Raven Guard (ok Raptors) and sent it to Entropmancer....He I may have a Vangaurd vs Raptors, Phobos on Phobos fight in the Future. Units that vanguard can take that I need to get Impuslors (2) and Invictor War Suit, and the following units that can't take, Gladitor Chassis and Storm Speeder Chassis.  

Completed Model Count 2022:  22 models 

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