Monday, September 27, 2021

Manic Monday #47


Ephrael Stern - The Daemonfuige- Thrice Born. Overall bad ass. 

Well I'm on vacation and you figured I would get more done over the weekend, but the GF and I spent the first 2 days cleaning the house for one of her nieces to come over and stay the weekend with us. Plus the house probably needed it, But it was a good build weekend! Ok being on vacation may have helped a bit. The weather did make it not a good paint weekend unfortunately.

So Friday I started working on the bases for my Zephyrim Squad. 

I hate the new flying bases GW provides with the Seraphim/ Zephyrim squads. 

Still need to add more debris (pipes, electrical wire, bricks beams, and skulls).

Saturday GF and I picked up our niece and took her Homecoming dress shopping. Eventually we made it home and I started working on some models.

Aestred Thurga, Agatha Dolan, and Kyganil......

Kyganil, Variant Canoness with Blessed Blade, the Bad Ass herself, Ephrael Stern, and Dialogus

Dialogus and Dogmata

And Sunday evening I sat down and started working on the Abbess Sanctorum of the Adepta Sororitas

Morveen Vahl.

I then started on a model I have had since it's intial release a few editions ago. 

So I converted my 2nd Greyfax into Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor with Combi Flamer and built St. Celestine and her Gemanie Superiors 

Also Friday I purchased my 3rd Adepta Sororitas Rhino. My 2nd Castigator should be here today. I also ordered a New Hoodie, mask and Coffee Mug from Warhammer Merch. 

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Kill Team #5


So Warhammer Community dropped this little nugget on 09/20

"Novitiates Take to the Field for the First Time

Before they become fully fledged Battle Sisters, aspirants must prove their piety on the front lines. Known as Novitiates, they are usually deployed as kill teams with an experienced Sister Superior directing their youthful zealotry.

Novitiates are completely new to the 41st Millennium, and as you’ve come to expect from Kill Team releases, their kit is incredibly flexible and comes with dozens of options to let you build your team as you see fit.

They wield a wide array of sanctified weaponry, from humble autoguns to ancient maces. One can even carry a pair of neural whips, which are just as handy for driving your operatives forward as they are for lashing your foes. There are ten sisters in total, with twelve different types of operative to pick from."

The article also describes the terrain and world a little more. I think the release is sooner than later.....I think it will be up for pre order in the next few weeks. 

Monday, September 20, 2021

Manic Monday #46

 Vacation Begins this Thursday! 

11 Days off! So needed. I plan on getting some modelling, cleaning, getting out of town for a day or two and hopefully get a game or two in...... I wonder when I'll get Salad and Go during that time. I have been getting it when I work my overnight shifts. It is delicious. (Buffalo Chicken Salad and Mango Green tea) 

So weekend progress:

Wednesday- Got home form working a 16 hr shift and the My Castigator, "Hail Mary" was there..... I opened box looked at instructions and went to bed walking away from it saying tomorrow...

Thursday - I was scheduled to work and it was cancelled so I did something I have been putting off. Highlighting my Adepta Sororitas so I can paint their armor with the airbrush. Surprisingly it took less time then I thought. And well I drybrushed the vehicles. So I pulled out the 2nd Immolator, and looked at the Castigator. After dinner I sat down and built the Castigator "Hail Mary".

 I was tired and decided not to start on the Immolator. I then receivied an offer from a Ebay Seller I could not refuse and purchased a 2nd Castigator. Now I just need more Rhinos and maybe another Immolator. 

Friday- It was nice outside when I got up @ 6am I started prepping to airbrush and checked time. I still had to make, eat and clean up after breakfast and get ready to leave for the gym at 830. I would not have time to airbrush and I was not going to start and leave it out. Gym Session ran longer than normal, dropped off a bpackage to usps, went back home emptied cargo area of jeep, got jeep washed, picked up lunch, and got home. Girlfriend was home from training and had to clena her her car so I laid down for a nap. Got up cooked dinner to take to work and ordered my Salad and Go. So no hobbying done. Only cause everything took longer than I had anticpated. I figured I can try to build 2nd Immolator, rest of my Adepta Sororitas Kill Team maybe my Sacresants and Zephyrim squads on Saturday and airbrush on Sunday including my Grey Knights Kill Team.

Saturday- It rained...out of no where. I was on the way back from meeting friends at Warhammer Scottsdale location sprinkled on me a little bit then poured for a few minutes making it nice and humid....Airbrushing is now out for the weekend. I built my Sacresants Celestians as planned but nothifng else

Decided to go Maul/ Plasma pistol on the Superior.

Sunday- Slept in and had a lazy Sunday. I built the Zephyrim Superior

And built the final 4 members of a my Adepta Sororitas Kill Team

I am going to base them the same as my Army so I have a 4th Battle Sister Squad. 

So overall a nice little build weekend. 

Still to build is 5 Zephyrim and the bases for them. I should just do the bases for the other squad of Seraphim too. Another Project for the Vacation. 

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Kill Team Saturday #4


Warhammer Community Gen Con preview hit us with the next Kill Team Expansion- Kill Team Chalnath. 

Now I like Kill Team and I get excited for releases but this time around I figured we would not get new models like previous editions and the Ork Commandos and DKoK were the only models for Kill Team. 

Happily I was very vrey wrong. 

Chalnath features Tau vs Adepta Sororitas.

I don't care about the Tau. I will be selling mine so it's not an issue for me. Now Adepta Sororitas Novitiates, I want.

From the WarCom article: 

"A wayward Adepta Sororitas fleet from a passing War of Faith finds itself in the Vedik System largely by chance, discovering a core world rife with xenos corruption. Among the kill teams deployed to the surface are bands of Novitiates, zealous Battle Sisters in training looking to prove themselves worthy of advancement.These lighter-armed and armoured teams train aspirants for many of the Adepta Sororitas’ minor Orders, and they carry a wide variety of holy relics into battle. "

No I agree with a lot of people that the color pallet the GW Studio chose is odd. but I already know how I am painting my Novitiates as and The Superior will of course be Order of the Valorous Heart. 

Order of the Partheon

My old DIY order. I'll have to update the fluff to fit but the scheme will remain. 

Plus the terrain in the box set is pretty nice too.


In other Kill Team news the following things were released from the community members and are not official. 

Data card app A cool little app that allows you to print your own data cards from your Battlescribe list. (I have not tryed it yet.)

Cheat Sheet v1.1  Bolter & Chainsword User Lord Raven 19 created this nice little cheat sheet 

I printed some out and laminated some for my group

But the best thing is this:

Because this was discussed: "In the Sister of Battle Discord server on the Kill Team Channel they are discussing the use of taking nothing but Icon Bearers. The reason for this is the Icon Bearer boosts its APL from 2 to 3. This is legal according to the rules because the limitation is on the gunner and Heavy gunner and not the Icon Bearer."

The Warhammer Kill Team Facebook Community created this Faq:

Community FAQ v 1.0

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Hail Mary.....

 UGH work week is semi done...coming back Friday night

Really feeling like her right now. Beaten, bloody, tired, hungry.....excited.

Why Excitement? 

Hail Mary should be at my house. My Adepta Sororitas Castigator tank

So this weekend it will probably get built. And maybe my other Immolator for the list I am working on. But I have to build the Celestian Sacresants and Zephyrim for the list too. And Paint....

So Hail Mary probably wont get many conversions that I like to do to my tanks...Mary Full of Grace Probably will get the sprucing up. 

Monday, September 13, 2021

Manic Monday #45

 Days off over back to work for another week....vacation coming soon!

On September 3rd, I finally caved and bought Artel W's Tattered Brute model because I did not see Forgeworld or Games Workshop  releasing the Stig Shambler for House Cawdor/ Redemptionist

Then on September 6 the Warhammer Community Article was this model

The Stig Shambler........Since I am playing in a Campaign at Warhammer Goodyear store in January (hopefully) I must get one. I'm a little annoyed it took this long for him to be released. But mainly mad I just ordered the Artel W one. And we are still waiting on Klovis the Redemeer.

On the Grey Knight hobby front, it has been all about building my Kill Team 

Strike Squad- Hand of Titan:  
  • Justicar Alaric Esdrius - Daemon Hammer
  • Brother Martesias Cordacus- Falchions
  • Brother Drystan Solor- Nemesis Force Weapon (Sword)
  • Brother Icanus Akantar- Falchions
  • Brother  Achaddeus Vortimer- Incinerator

The squad was built with a Strike Squad, Primaris intercessors heads (for 3 of the marines) and pouches, Bloodletter head and 2 heads from Grey Knight Terminator kit. Skulls from the citadel skulls, green stuff, cork, basing sand, plasticard tubes for new gun barrels and body extensions, GW ejecting shel casings and Armorcast Cinematic Effect blasts. 

I did pick up this for the upcoming Dreadnought build

Venerable Dreadnought sprue with Plasma Cannon. 

On the Adepta Sororitas front.....less models built then Grey Knights but more activitiy. 

Battle Sister Superior Alcia Ventress was built for my upcoming Adepta Sororitas Kill team.

I ordered a few things recently for my Adepta Sororitas:

And for the Kill Team 

Saturday morning I sat down and built more models for my Adepta Sororitas Kill Team

I did order my Datacards and Battletome for AoS Stormcast Eternals so those models will be built eventually.