Thursday, March 22, 2018

It's been over a month....WTF

So big announcement yesterday.....Plastic Sisters in 2019- No images just confirmed by GW at Adepticon.

In other news. next three codexes announced Dark Eldar, Imperial Knights and Deathwatch.

Come at me Bro
With the amount of Xenos floating around my group.....its time to get the boys in black ready. Previously I built my Converted Aremis- Crimson Fist Shoulder pad and Xenophase blade, Venerable Dreadnought which I magnetized the right arm weapons.....BONUS. and Kill Team Cassius Contents. All are primed and ready to paint.

This with the following unbuilt units: Corvus Blackstar, Terminator squad, vanguard Veterans, 3 kill Teams and another Artemis. Plus I have a Start Collecting box, Watch Master, and another 5 kill team members heading there way to me, I have a decent sized army. Still trying to figure my load outs and if they keep Primaris (I'm torn between keeping and dropping them from DW) or not. Still need a Blood Angel Terminator Librarian and another Corvus Blackstar.

Basing I think, I will be going to my go to base maker Elrik's Hobbies with their Corrupted bases

looks like a xenos invasion and diamond plate. What I am looking for on my bases. Add some xenos skulls and should look nice.

Watch Master is going to be an Imperial Fist. Eventually I play to rebuild my old Space Wolf Lord as a Watch Captain in Terminator Armor but he will be heavily modified to fit the look of a Veteran from Erik Morkai's Great Company.

Thats it for now....Stay tuned for updates.