Friday, July 31, 2020


So I have decided to build my Indomintus Crusade Marines as Mortifactors, Ultramarine Successors. I am torn between the 3rd or 5th Company. I am going to be using UM rules so I can use Tiguriuss and Telion. Plus the UM rules are actually not bad. The force will be mainly Primaris as I have ton of models available. I do plan to eventual adding a squad of Scouts as the "Faceless"- Shotguns and CCW. Icons and markings have been purchased from Plokoone on Shapeways 

Here's WIP of the Chaplain and Judiciar (head is just a place holder)

Monday, July 27, 2020

Manic Monday #7

Time for my Monday update.

Friday I started working on Veteran Sgt Helios and 5th Scout Squad along With 10th Co Chaplain Achmedes and  I ended the day with the basign drying.

After picking up my Indomitus box and looking through everything and pulling the necrons out for a friend I was spliting it with I got back to work on my scouts. 

And then I realized I have to update my librarian's base to match the others. 

After they were done I jumped into the next units. 10th Co Scout LT, and Veteran Sgt Tomez and 9th scout squad

I was going to work on them yesterday after MY GF and I went to a friends house to pick up  our new Star Wars Props, but I ate some bad sandwhich meat and had an upset stoamach and ended up taking a 3 1/2 hour nap while she went to our friend's house. 

Baby Bossak, which I am naming it Lika Bossak

and my GF's the Child

Both are custom made out of resin and sewn outfits and the maker actually has multiple characters he has done.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Manic Monday #6

Bam another weekend over and back to the grind of working.....JOY.

Well I feel like I did not accomplish a lot of painting this weekend but I am to the point where IMHO I can no longer paint in the large model count and move on to individual squads.

So lets show the progress:

All base colors done

Washing begins

Washing done

Vangaurd Section of the 10th Co

Infiltrators and Vehicle Crew 

Epistolary Borak, 10th Co Chaplain Achmedes, and 10th Co LT (to be named)


Objective counter and Sniper scouts

Next steps is highlight......ugh but at least the scouts have little armor to worrk about.

and here is the current army WIP/ Completed  list

Current Work in Progress/ Completed list-07/20/2020
- 10th Company Shadow Captain Admar Voss- in progress
-Epistolary Borak-in progress
-Vanguard Lexicanum Torec - Completed 
-10th Company Chaplain Achmedes - in progress
- Scout LT to be named- in progress
- Vanguard LT to be named - in progress


Team 7- for Back to Badab Kill team
-Rifleman Dreadnought "Owl I" completed may be repainted post 9e
-Imperial Space Marine to be named - in progress
10th Company Ancient to be named - in progress

-Infiltrator Squad  to be named  II- in Progress
-Infiltrator Squad to be named   III- In Progress

-Scout Squad Helios     V-    in progress
-Scout Squad Archlift    VI-   in progress
-Scout Squad Venze     VII-  in progress
-Scout Squad Felk        VIII-  in progress
-Scout Squad Tomez     IX-   in progress

Fast Attack

-Land Speeder Typhoon Squadron "Kite" -in progress
-Scout Bike squad to be named  IV-  in progress

Heavy Support

-Predator Tank Squadron "Vulture" - 1 of 3 in progress
  • "Vulture III"  - in progress
-Eliminator Squad to be named 

With 9e around the corner I am still a long way from completion but with CoVid still effecting the population there is no where to play.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Crusade part 2 and 3

So Warhammer Community article came out and then I didn't update post for part 2 so I waited for part 3 to drop also.

So to sum up part 2 you build you list from you 50 pl but can only use 25 pl pick or roll a combat mission and secondary objectives and play game.

Part 3 talks about after action on the game.

"There are three main areas to resolve after each Crusade game:
  • Discover what happened to units that were destroyed in the battle
  • Update experience points and determine battle honours for units that earned them
  • Update Combat tallies and Order of Battle"

The out of actions are fine on a roll 2+, This is good news as I have rolled my fair shares of 1's on the first die of D66 roll in Necromunda through the years.
if a 1 is rolled you pick what happens. And its not anything serious per say. Not like Necromunda can be.

So there is some record keeping and upkeep post game but still should be fun.   

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Let's get real here

I have been waxing and waining on 40k for the past few editions. And became more of a builder than a player. Lately with CoVid-19 effecting the world, I have become a painter. With 9e around the corner, I am actually happy for the new addition. No happy is not the term...excited. And excited to ue Power Level which I hated in 8e. Why?

Finally we have a campaign system that does not seem to diffciult to maintain. Hopefully.

From the Warhammer Community page:

"Mustering a Crusade Force

First thing’s first, you need to build a Crusade force with a total Power Rating of no more than 50. This is your starting Supply Limit – the pool of units that will be available for you to choose from throughout the campaign. They will gain experience and be the backbone of your Order of Battle, even as you spend hard-won Requisition points (the Crusade ‘currency’ accrued after each battle you fight) to expand your Supply Limit and unlock new units to add to your roster. You’ll have enough power to spend on flashy options from the start if you wish – just remember to take some reliable troops too.
In Crusade, you don’t automatically start with a free Relic (or a Warlord Trait, for that matter) – upgrades such as these are actually earned over the course of the campaign, costing Requisition points to unlock. However, you start your campaign with five Requisition points that you can spend as you see fit."
So my group has to decide what armies you will be playing and select 50 power Level of that army to add to your list. Granted lately my friend Entropmancer and I have been crafting lists for 50 Power Level for our armies and thinking what armies would we face and what their forces may contain. A few of us are locked into single armies as that is all they have. I am Sticking with my Raptors cause the Grey Knights at 50 Power Level are lacking, pts conversion is less than 800 pts/ 49 PL of Grey Knights vs 1000pts/ 50 PL of Raptors. My Black Templars and Imperial Fists are far from being started and the Adepta Sororitas has not been expanded past the Starter boxes. 
Now to wait for part 2 of the Warhammer Community article.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Manic Monday #5

So time for my Monday Raptors update.

Painted the weapons casings:

Then started painting White, Red, Green, and Brown (tan). The tan  took forever. 

 and then finally started the black boots and hair and ran out of steam. 

Friday I meet a friend at the GW Store between us and gave him his half of the incursors, and a bunch of militarum tempestus scions, taroxs, and valkyrie that was missing pieces that i received in trade that i was never gonna use. I did get a crashed aquila lander and pewter cawdor gang. Should put me over 70 Cawdor minituares in pewter. 

Saturday I preordered Indomintus, combat guage, cards, Chapter Approved and Crusade Journal through GW. So Ill have all those on the release day. 

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Now I need more Infiltrator/ Incursor bodies.

So these were posted on the Raptors Facebook group

And I saw these after I finished building my 5 man incursor squad. I think I'm gonna build a modified unit of these (not the camo but the head swap) for my army. More pouches assault bolter mags but count them as infiltrators or intercessors.

Monday, July 6, 2020

Manic Monday #4

So my work schedule has me doing 40 hrs really quickly with 3 12 hr shifts Monday to Wednesday and a 4 hr filler shift early Thursday morning (1:45 am to 5:45am). So I normally go home nap Thursday morning then go out and buy groceries for the week and go visit my parents.  Well this past week I did not have to come in Thursday morning and got to my parents earlier. While there I  airbrushed my first wash for the Predator, Scout Bikes, and Land Speeders and I started looking at my unbuilt pile of shame I had stored there. I jokingly told a friend I probably have enought to make a 3 army of stuff after assigning the models to Raptors and Black Templars. I am pretty sure I could build an Imperial Fists army pretty easy with the amount of models unbuilt I have....Like why do I have 20 Hell Blasters or 12 Inceptors. But that has to wait unitl I finish the current project: Grey Knights and Raptors.

With 9e approaching quickly I have shifted from working on my Grey Knights to more of my Raptors. I really dont want to have to build that many terminators. I probably have almost 30 terminators for my Grey Knight unbuilt. Plus I thought painting individual heradly was bad....nope just tedious. I knew what the worst part of the hobby was but man did it suck. More on this later. Plus until we see the adjusted Power Levels and Points the Grey Knights are severly lacking compared to every other army. My 25 Power Level relates to 365 pts, Brotherhood Champion, 2 5 man strike squads and an apothecary terminator. But if you  compare it to my Raptors at 25 Power Level/ 506 points and 527 points respectively with the main core being phobos captain, infiltrator squad, and scout squad and either scout bike squad and Predator for the 527 pt list or having 3 suppressors , 3 eliminators, and Imperial Space Marine for 506 pts. Yeah Power Level  and Grey Knights are way off.

So with me having the extra time off, and my normal duties done I started back up working on my "Back to Badab" Kill Team. when I last left them I was not far off from completion. Just a few more highlights, bases and they were done. Missing Slings for the Sniper Rifle and Comms Sgt's bolter.

So then I started the project I've been dreading........DECALS.

After a few hours I was able to complete the Decaling task.....for now.

Light Industries Decals were used for some of the Raptor logos and Tactical markings. Chapter Customizer (Follow the Chapter Customizer link at the bottom of Fallout Hobbies'  page) for Smaller Raptor Logos and Comamnd Staff Decals. Ginfritter Gnomish Workshop for Company and Squad number markings. And Finally some GW decals were used for command and squad desgination markings. Micro sol and Micro set were a life saver. Decaling SUCKS.

After completing this task, I finished the hobby weekend by building the last 2 Suppressors completing the Vangaurd Section of Shadowspear and then built 5 incursors from a box I am Splitting with a friend.

And I ordered more decals but this time from the Mighty Brush. And since Objective counters are on 40mm  bases and I have no clue where my land Speeder bases are, I ordered more bases and stands for them.