Monday, August 29, 2022

Manic Monday # 80


Well Thursday sucked more than I thought. Discovered another leak that damaged my floors again. Refrigerator water line again. But cracked due to old age. So by the time this is done bathrooms and bedrooms will be the only parts with old flooring.....FML. Insurance is covering repairs for water damage but not for leak. Demo company is contracted and we shall see how fast this gets repaired.....last years repairs still not fixed. 

On the hobby front I was stressed and bought Horus Heresy Age of Darkness and Liber Astartes. Because all my living room furniture blocking my work area I am unable to work on my Grey Knight Paladins. Ok so I wanted to work on my Raven Guard. Wednesday I had bought my Dark Fury and Contemptor Dreadnought from Forge World. 

15 Man Tactical Squad and Praetor

Scale Creep

Head Swapped Praetor

Getting there

OH yeah

So plan is 2 15 Man Tactical Squads, 2 5 Man Support squads, Praetor and RG Contemptor 

Still need to get support weapon pack (special weapons)

Monday, August 22, 2022

Manic Monday #79


Well I was off 2 days this week and 4 next but  that is due to Floor remodel. After that one day off a week for Emperor knows how long. 

So I sat down an started blocking colors out on Grey Knight Paladins and only got so far.....I was distracted by another project.

Still need to do Gold on Psycannon models and then double check the others and do some highlights, scrolls and books and they should be ready to wash. Hoping to have them done next weekend. New Vow in 10 Days...... More Grey Knight Paladins and Character

So Entropmancer and I have been staring at the new HH Stuff and well he convinced me to build an army.... it was not that hard.

Hardest part about the Heresey is what army do I want to play:

Imperial Fists- Dorn is my Favorite Primarch, Storm Shields galore and Plastic Praetor Fafnir Rann! But yellow paint ugh

Sons of Horus- Big Man himself, Horus, Abaddon, Justerin Terminators, Terminators OH Yeah! All Terminators all the time will be a disaster in HH.

Raven Guard- Sneaky Stealthy, beaky! Umm no praetors, FW or GW, seems lacking.....

I pulled out my HH models I had at home and this was what I had

Fafnir Rann, 5 Reconnaissance Marines (Bought to be Raptor Sternguard), and Vigilator (for Lias Issoden Conversion).....Well Not wanting to paint yellow and with these models in hand the choice was obvious..


with this in mind I set off to start building.

Vigilator Counsel

Pathfinder Counsel

Reconnaissance Marines 

Knowing I need a Master Of Rites to Unlock Recon Company I set off to build one

Praetor Jump Pack and Raven's Claws

After Visiting my parents house I found some unbuilt scouts, platic Praetor and more Cataphractic Terminators 


Now to grab some parts to make Seekers when I get my starter

Monday, August 15, 2022

Manic Monday # 78


Not a rough day.....but a rough few weeks. 

Back on August 1st, I vowed the following models:

Librarian #3 and 5 Paladins (from the 10 man squad). Well everything went sideways and I was not able to paint until this weekend.  

Got the tabards and heads done, started one the weapon hafts on the Paladins but did not take a picture.

Librarian #3 I was able to complete yesterday.

Librarian Sartak Hoyal

  • Completed Model Count for 2022: 61 models
  • Warhammer New Years Resolution (Paint all 52 GK Terminators by 12/31): 29 of 52- 56% Complete 
  • Bolter & Chainsword: 12 Months of Hobby Challenge: Jan-Mar, June, July- Completed August In Progress