Monday, February 28, 2022

Manic Monday # 66


Well its the end of February....which means my Feb 2022 12 months of Hobby Challenge is due...I completed 6 of the 10 models a few weeks back so I will getting Feb Completed and Feb Seriously badges. I figured I would go for the stubbon since I would be able to knock out 2 models this past weekend and save the other 2 for stubborn next month. I was wrong....

Febraury Vow Completed

Brotherhood Librarian Ezekiel Cotant

Brother Captian Cadrig Pelenas

Brotherhood Apothecary Cade Kendrick

Brotherhood Ancient Hugues D'Argentein

2nd Brotherhood- Blades of Victory Banner

Updated paitned shelf (razorbacks not shown)

So with March around the corner it is time for my Next Vow. I'm gonna take a break from painting Terminators this month and go for my Grey Knights Stormhawk Interceptor. 

Terminators left to Paint: Grand Master on Foot, Grand Master Dreadknight, 2 Brotherhood Librarians, Apothecary, Paladin Ancient, 15 Paladins, 3 Dreadknights.

Terminators left to build and paint: 5 Terminators, 5 Paladins

  • Completed Model Count for 2022: 32 models
  • Warhammer New Years Resolution (Paint all 40 GK Terminators by 12/31): 16 of 40- 40% Complete
  • Bolter & Chainsword: 12 Months of Hobby Challenge: Jan/ Feb- Completed

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Sons of Titan Crusade


So with the Upcoming Metal Head Armory Crusade I really have been toying with various army loadouts and damn do I hate Power Level for Grey Knights. I am trying to find the right balance of  hardened troops, decent characters and the ability to deal with whatever is thrown at me.  There should be Admech, Ork, Aeldari, Tyranids, and either vanguard or daemons....maybe a guard army.  Imperial armies I should not be matched up to fight against but you never know. Part of me wants that hard hitting force of terminators and  Dread Knights  lead by a character in true Grey Knight fashion. I think the Librarian is the best option for the points as an HQ and his abilities. Paired with his temporal bombs, aggressive powers, he could be a force to be reckoned with.  The chaplain would be my current go to just cause of his litanies. Troops Terminator squad, fast interceptor squad and Heavies Dread knight and Purgation Squad. That leaves me 4 pts for an Inquisitor. 

Ideally this would break down to Libby, Terminators, purgation squad and Chaplain, Inquisitor, Interceptors and dread knight....I see an uphill battle for me for a while. 

Factor in my Agendas, missions, secondary's, ugh this is a nightmare. 

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

For Titan! We are the Hammer



With the Metal Head armory Crusade looming, a few of of us are thinking, retooling, refining our 50 Power Level forces.  With the exception of Flyers, Dreadknights, and few units here and there I have plenty of models completed, so my force is ready to expand as needed. The big debate is who is my Nemesis Hunter and What units do I take.  I can co go big and hard hitting taking terminators or go fast and maneuverable units. being Power Level it is taxign on Grey Knight Players as I can take a Librarian (6PL) 5 man Terminators squad (12PL) and 5 man Interceptor squad (7PL) and thats my 25 PL no heavy weapons. I know I am gonn need some weapons to deal with the other armies and Considering if I am the Grey Knights I have the most expensive base models going to battle. So I am leaning more toward strikes and cheaper units.

Non Crusade

One model I have been looking at, now that he is done, is the Brotherhood Chaplain. I think mine is going to be assigned to the Purgation Squad with Intonement for Guidance in my 1500 pt list. 

So now with that and Sanctuary my Purgation squads can move and shoot at BS 3+ with a 4++ save if the Litany, Sanctuary, and ignore cover if Astral aim is added to the mix. Thats a lot of Dakka.

Monday, February 21, 2022

Manic Monday # 65

What a great Weekend.....Yesterday I talked about hte 2 games I got to play this past weekend but today we talk about the hobby 

Thursday I spent most of the time at work but I was able to get some hobby time that evening and by Friday evening here is the Progress:

Raptors Expansion Decals Done!

Terminator Squad Johan Quirin

Chaplain Jacques De Molay

Grey Knights Terminator Squad and Chaplain done! February Vow is completed (gonna get stubborn in March for the other 4) 

Phobos Librarian Torec base and cloak repainted! (This has been buggung me for a while)

Chaplain is gettign closer to being done. One of my Favorite models I have done recently.

And My Primaris Librarian. Im loving how he looks so far. 

Other Hobby News:

Finally picked up my Preorder from 01/22....almost a month later. It was here last week tho.

Chapter Approved!

More cards for Necromunda

Delaque Weapons

While there I picked up Mournfang Brown and Macragge Blue paint and 

Issue # 4

Issue #5- Pre order

Fafnir Rann- Pre Order

While at Gamers Guild AZ I picked up Elysian Green Air and more Athonian Camoshade plus 

But the scores of the week were my Ebay adventures.....

Storm Speeder

More Inquistorial Strom Troopers

And Most importantly Belt, Axe and Wings for my Nemesis Daemon Prince of Khorne

So everything is ordered and should be here soonish...

  • Completed Model Count for 2022: 28 models
  • Warhammer New Years Resolution (Paint all 40 GK Terminators by 12/31): 12 of 40- 30% Complete
  • Bolter & Chainsword: 12 Months of Hobby Challenge: Jan/ Feb- Completed

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Post Game day hangover


So yesterday was game day for the Metal Head Armory Group at Gamers Guild AZ.....I was able to get 2 1000 pt games in and went 1-1-0. 

First game as against GrimWeiss and his Army of the Reknown Vangaurd list vs my Raptors.....and well after losing my Captain in the First turn to mass amount of mortal wounds...the only model on both sides with an invulnerable save too and Invictor getting blasted the game went sideways quickly for me. My Phobos Librarian was the star of my army mainly cause he was able to gack so many models with smite then charge up his Spectral Blade. Reivers are no joke in the Vanguard list. I lost this game at the end, I had my Librarian with 2 wds remaining.....He hurt himself with a smite. I see the major problem of the Vanguard List is when we bump points up how will it deal with the Gladiator Lancer and everything else  others will add for the next 500 pts.

Second Game was against Unkle Sterben and his Bad Moon Orks.....toughness 5 ugh. I barely squeaked out a victory agaisnt him. Brotherhood Librarian Warlord deepstrikes in cast Vortex of Doom, on squad removing 4 models, wound warboss, and flyer. Next turn he is a puddle of goo from max damage Custom Mega blasters....12 freaking wounds off of 2 hits. I was able to Smite the Flyer off the Table from the terminators eventually. The Work Horse of the Game was Purgation Squad with 4 Psilencers 24 shots at 30" (Tide of Convergence) nasty really nasty if the unit does not move and gets astral aim off, which in 5 turns they moved twice and get the power off twice...

So 2 games in the book and well I had a lot of fun Playing my Grey Knights. More than I have had play Raptors or Adepta Sororitas. It maybe because it was a fully painted army.  But a tweak or 2 and I have my Crusade list. 

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

5 Days out


So in 5 days I will be joing the rest of the Metal Head Armory Discord in a few games of 40k at Gamers Guild AZ.  I have only 2 games of 9th edition under my belt both as my Sisters. We decided on 1000 pt games so I am either fielding my Raptors or Grey Knights. My Grey Knights by far are more completed as an army but the Raptors are sneaky and with my list I can deploy then relocate 5 Infantry units pre game. 

To do list:

Grey Knights:

Finish 2nd terminator squad and Terminator Chaplain

Raptors Decals and second washes, Magnitze bases

And continue woking on Indomintus Chaplain.....eventually I'll post pictures of him but for now here he is 

Monday, February 14, 2022

Manic Monday #64


Sucha crazy busy weekend....felt like I spent most of it driving around tired. 

Thursday- Picked up more basing material at Hobby Shop Ran to FLGS and picked up Space Marine Data Cards and Invoctor War Suit. Went to Parents ended up having to mow yard...ugh. Went to grab my built reivers and found a 10 man squad unbuilt. Grabbed Reiver LT, Ravenguard data cards and Codex. Got home and started working on bases.

Suppressor bases are done

40mm Objective Counter bases

Bases for Entropmancer's Pteraxii Sterylizors

Friday- I then built 2 Reiver squads, Reiver LT, Invictor War suit and based all models. 

Saturday I busted out the airbrush and Primed and highlighted all the unprimed Raptor Units before having to drive around town for niece Birthday party.

After getting home I did the 1 wash on the recently painted Raptors Models

Sunday- I 'ardcoated Shoulder pads and Kneepads for decals.  I think started working on Indomintus Chaplain and the Grey Knight Terminaitor Squad and Chaplain. 

Terminators need some highlights, blades done, drybrushing and base ring painted and these 6 Terminators will be done ensuring Feburary Vow Completed (minimum 1 model) and Seriously (over 5 models) with 4 more Terminators to go and 2 weeks remaining.