Tuesday, June 30, 2020


So I was updating my signature on the Bolter and Chainsword, and was shocked at how many images  I had that I dont remebmber some of the events so I looked them up. This happens when you been on a forum since May 2007 and its not cause im old...probably both.

First image is my Avatar. My (shortened) Bolter and Chainsword User name on the Ravenguard logo. To get this Avatar you had to add a link to the page ++Victorus aut Mortis++ and start a Work In Progess Build log.  This is where I started to feel at home on Bolter and Chainsword, the Ravenspire. Earned July 2016

In February 2017, the B&C Group Started a group build I joined called Talon's Reach. I vowed my Predator Destructor,  then after completion my Rifleman Dreadnought and after that was completed 2 Typhoon Land Speeders, which I did not finish and they are still sitting around un painted to this day.

Hidden Hands of the Emperor  was a the 2017 Replacement for E Tenebrae Lux. I got over zealous and vowed this:

Hq- Captain Voss maybe Epistolary Borak
Elites- Sternguard
Troops- 5 Scout squads 1-2 Land speeder storms
Fast- 3 Tempests
Heavy Support- Predator
Flyer- Stormhawk

I did not complete anything.....life and work got in the better of me.

  In early January 2018 I was aske to lead the charge for the Armored Fists of the Raven, I vowed a land raider. I did not even start it.  Failed this one too.

E Tenebrae Lux VI or ETL VI May 2018

My vow:
 -Watch Captain Holoverus Pollis- Combi Flamer, Xenophase Blade
-Kill Team "Saber"- Sgt SIA Bolter, Power Sword, 3 Veterans SIA Bolter, Close combat weapon, 1 Veteran SIA Bolter, Storm Shield
-Kill Team "Rapier"- Sgt SIA Bolter, Power Sword, 2Veterans SIA Bolter, Close combat weapon, 1 Veteran SIA Bolter, Storm Shield, 1 Veteran Frag Cannon
-Tarantula Sentry Gun with Heavy Bolters
- Razorback "Longbow" with twin lascannons

Don't remember my vow or even geeting to work on anything due to work. I earned this one with flying colors.

Dawn of Shadows was the ETL VII Prep event and once again I went big.....and failed

Lias Issoden (MKII)
LT (non primaris) (added to vow)
Imperial Space Marine
2x 5 man Sternguard Squads (1 squad added to vow)
2x Primaris Intercessor Squads (added to vow)
2x 5 man Tactical Squads (added to vow)
2x 5 man Scout Squads (added to vow)
Land Speeder Tornado (added to vow)
3 man Inceptor Squad (added to vow)
5 man Hellblaster Squad (added to vow)

None of these are done.....

In September 2019 I joined in on the Corax Command 2019 Challenge. My vow was my Phobos Librarian. Which I did finish. I bombed in the painting contest but I did not expect to win. 


So in late April 2020, I entered the Back to Badab Kill Team Edition. The Challenge started in late January so I am late to the game but RAptors were not represented and I had some models built.  June 22, 2020 I upped the model count from original 10 to 19 models. As on now 1 model completed 4 about 85% done and the other 14 need to be built. Vow ends 12/28/2020

In  early May 2020 the Ravenspire started an Apothecary build called
 =][=Nurgle's Plague Challenge =][=....I vowed 2 apothecaries for my 10th Company. And finished them 8 days before the deadline. Victory

With this year ETL delayed, The gauntlet was thrown down for Lock Down Paintign Challenge. I wanted the gold pearl so I vowed a Grey Knights Dreadnought on May 15 and had to finish it buy June 15. May 22nd I was done.  

Monday, June 29, 2020

Manic Monday #3- Massive Raptors Update

The Raptors Chapter has been a long time Favorite of mine since I saw them while playing the Fire Warrior Game. One of the reasons I love them is the their paint scheme and use of Camo. Some of my favorite miniatures where the pewter scouts from years past. I still have a lot of them but I may use them for another army where they will look better.

So Years ago I built a Scout Army and painted them OD Green. After a while I sold them. I regretted selling them as there was alot of cool conversions and scenic forest bases. It was a fun army but I had an eye on something else.

Fast forward a few years ago, I was thinking of building an Arbites army and had a bunch of plastic scouts boxes sitting around. And Betrayl of Calth came out. So I threw my hat in the ring to try and build Emperors Children. Eventually that fade went away and I saw all my scouts. I decided to rebuild my Scout Army as offically Raptors and begin toiling away. At the start of 8th Edition I got to play for the first time since mid way through 6th edition. It was small 750 pt game of My Crimson Fists vs my friends Dark Angels. I ended up winning barely. The next time I would play would be my Raptors 10th Co in a mini Campaign for My Gaming Group. While going 1-1-1 was not the start I was going for it I did field a painted army that drew alot of attention from other people in the store and was deemed the most difficult army to deal with. I continued working on my Raptors and eventually burned out. I found The Mighty Brush and was amazed at Luther's Raptor army.

Looking over at my models I was embrassed and felt like I was using a Big Crayon to paint with. And honestly I quit on myself and painting. Occassionaly I would pick up the brush to paint something here or there but just did not have my heart in it. The past few months have been tough, lost  few friends to death last year, my GF's dad passed, and then Covid Hit......

My GF suggested that I work on some models as stress relief. I resumed working on my Grey Knights cause they had most of their stuff built. While painting I got back into the Bolter and Chainsword Ravenspire group as they are Best Group of individuals on there. I entered 3 painting Challenges on the B&C and currently sitting at 2 of the 3 completed

Lockdown Painitng Challenge

May 15 started May 23rd complted

May 1st started June 20th Completed

April 29 Started December 28, 2020 Due Date

The Nurgle Challenge helped me find my love of the Raptors and Trust in my painting. Im getting better with each brust stroke. 

And Since comparing my Complted Apothecaries to the rest of my army something had to be changed. 

Start of Day Friday



1st Highlight

2nd Highlight

10th Co

10th Co Ancient and Imperial Space Marine

Armored Support

Apothercaries and Phobos Librarain

Kill Team 

Scout Bikes and Objective Counters

Vanguard/ Phobos Company

Group Shots

1st Wash and Clear coat for  Decals (Saturday)

 Kill Team Updates 




So I'm Changing the blogs name again. and let's see how long this one stays for.....

Tuesday, June 23, 2020


I was looking over my Raptors Thread on Bolter and Chainsword and saw how far I let them go to the wayside. Multiple Conversions that I never finished or primed. Multiple squads to still paint. I was dealing with burn out, lack of time, personal issues, work, etc.

My Thread, War009's Raptors and other Forces ,on Bolter and Chainsword stated July 8, 2016. I currently sits at 11 pages and 272 posts. and completed models posted on there less than 10. This is not counting models attached to squads. This is really disappointing to me. It should be further along. I have multiple squads "in progress" but I need to churn them out like i have been with my Grey Knights. After airbrushing the Apothecaries and Comms Specialist for kill team, I feel like I can get more done in less time...hopefully.

This is a Prime Example of me not finishing the model- Just needs his Chapter Decal......thats it. Then the 10th Co Chaplain would be done.

Raptors 10th Co Chaplain 

Or here:

Phobos Infilitrators
Primed, bases set up and they were being painted with The Phobos Librarian. guess who was finished

Phobos Librarian

So This week I plan on painting some more Raptors with the airbrush and begin some updating of the other models in the force.