Well this weekend was game day and picking up my preorders
The Original Projected timeline:
- 05/20- 05/23- was to finish building the last 20 infantry model or so that I needed and start adding debris to their basing
- 05/27 - adding debris to bases for the models and Build 2 Rhinos, an Immolator and an Exorcist
- 05/28- Primed Gloss black Friday
- 05/29- 2 WEEKS until Game Day
- 06/03- Spray Metallics
- 06/04- Highlight Metallics
- 06/05- Spray Black Templar Contrast
- 06/10- Table Top Standard paint time
- 06/11- Table Top Standard paint time
The Updated timeline from 05/31:
- 05/20- 05/23- Finish building the last 20 infantry model or so that I needed and start adding debris to their basing Completed
- 05/27 - Adding debris to bases for the models Completed
- 05/27- Build 2 Rhinos, an Immolator and an Exorcist - Vehicles at 66% completed
- 05/28- Primed Gloss black Friday Vehicles and additional cherubs not primed
- 05/29- 2 WEEKS until Game Day
- 06/03- Spray Metallics
- 06/04- Highlight Metallics
- 06/05- Spray Black Templar Contrast
- 06/10- Table Top Standard paint time
- 06/11- Table Top Standard paint time
The Updated time line from 06/07:
- 05/20- 05/23- Finish building the last 20 infantry model or so that I needed and start adding debris to their basing Completed
- 05/27 - Adding debris to bases for the models Completed
- 05/27- Build 2 Rhinos, an Immolator and an Exorcist - Vehicles at 66% completed
- 05/28- Primed Gloss black Friday Vehicles and additional cherubs not primed
- 05/29- 2 WEEKS until Game Day
- 06/03- Vehicles and cherubs build completed
- 06/04- Primed Vehicles and cherubs Gloss Black and Sprayed Metallics on Infatry
- 06/05- 1 WEEK until Game Day
- 06/05- Sprayed Metallics on Vehicles.
- 06/06- Sprayed models with VMA Steel
- 06/10- Highlight Models and spray Black Templar Contrast
- 06/11- Gloss coat
- 06/12- GAME DAY and Preorder Pickup
After a crazy and tragic week at work I was beat Thursday and Friday so no modeling done.
Saturday was Pre Order pick up and Game Day.
Hit the store picked my order and Drove to meet Entopmancer for our 1750 pt game of his Primaris Iron Hands vs Order of the Valorous Heart.
His forces consisted of :
Iron Father Ferrios
Techmarine (Warlord)
Redemptor Dreadnought
Iron Clad Dreadnought
Regular Dreadnoguht
Contemptor Dreadnought
Intercessors with Bolt Rifles
Intercessors with Assautlt Botlers
Heavy Intercessors with the Hellstrom Bolters/ Heavy Bolters
Gladitor Lancer
Firestrike Servo turret.
Canoness (Warlord)
Celestian squad
Repentia squad
Repentia Superior
3x Battle Sister squads
Dominion squad
Seraphim squad
Retributor squad
2 Rhinos
The mission had 6 objectives and who ever had the most at end of the game would win.
I won the roll for first drop and eventually the first turn also. With our forces deployed it was time to start the game.
Turn 1 - Top: Exorcist dropped Gladitor Lancer to 2 wds remaining HKs scratched paint. 2 Objectives claimed each, And I am sitting near 2
Bottom: Lancer repairs, Dreadnoughts shoots the crap out of immolator destroying it and leaving Canonness and Celestians stranded. Celestians die to bolter fire. Rhino dies leaving Repentia and Superior near the objective. 2 Objectives each, 2 objectives contested.
Turn 2 - Top: Repentia and Superior move to protect the canonness and charge dreadnought. Seraphim deepstrike and unload in to Firestrike servo turret leaving it with 2 wds remaining. Exorcist kills Lancer 2 Objectives for me, 1 Contested and 3 for Entropmancer.
Bottom: 2nd rhino blown up., dropping Battle Sister squad in range of objective. Wall of intercessors open up and gut a battle sister squad. Tecehmarine charges in to melee, Dreadnought charges sisters and Iron Clad guns down all but 2 seraphim. Retributors killed except for 1 heavy bolter gunner One Repenita remaining along with Superior and Canonness vs Techmarine. 3 objectives each.
Turn 3 (last turn do to time) - Top: Seraphim charge turret, battle sister squad reforms to hold objective, Dominions and Exorcist kill Redemptor dreadnought. Melee all sisters wiff except for the Canoness putting wounds on techmarine. Superior dies in return attack. Dreadnought kills some sisters in the other melee. Entropmancer 1 objective, 1 uncontested, 1 Contested Objective and 3 Objectives for me.
Bottom: Intercessors move to claim uncontested ojective, Firstrike Servo turret kill seraphim from shooting. Intercessors kill Dominions. Battle Sister Superior wounds dreadnought, Repentia Dies, Techmarine and Canoness wound each other. 3 Obejctives each.
Game Ends in a Draw: I would have lost. Probably in Turn 5 maybe turn 4
Take aways:
- Not knowing codex as it was just released slowed game down and caused abilites and rules forgotten.
- Imagifer was in a bad spot and did nothing all game.
- Palatine should have moved up and not stayed by retributors.
- I forgot about my Hospitaler.
- I forgot alot of my special rules.
- Exorcist was a beast.
- Repentia taking 3 hits from Dread in melee and surviving it.....Awesome
So overall happy with my list. I need to make a cheat sheet of rules so I can remember them.