What a weekend! Wow I actually got a chance to build models....Unfortunately not as many as I wanted to build. My Forces will consist of the following models.
8 strong Repentia
Repentia Superior
5 strong Celestian squad
10 Strong Battle Sisters squad x3
6 Strong Dominion Squad
7 Strong Seraphim Squad
6 Strong Retributor Squad
2 Rhinos
Day 1- Thursday
With my upcoming game against my Friend Entropmancer in 5 weeks, I need to get cracking on my army. At this point I had a the following units and models built, most from the Army box set, Seraphim Superior, the 10 Sisters , Canonness and Sister Superior Amalia Novena. I knew the flamer model would be dropped and I would need build as much as possible due to my paint scheme requiring the color to be sprayed at the same time.
I set up a work station in the living room, turned on Burn Notice and set myself to work cutting models off the sprue from the 2 Adepta Sororitas Army Boxes models for my force:
Around 10am I stopped and went to the Gym.
Post gym I hit up my FLGS Imperial Outpost Games and purchased some paints, 2 boxes of Penitent Engines (one for my 3rd Penitent Engine the other 3 for Mortifier/ Anchorite), and 2 Adepta Sororitas rhinos. Hit up another two hobby shops to puchase more paint (Hobby Bench and Andy's Hobby Headquarters), went grocery shopping and went back home. After a quick lunch, I hit up Burbank House of Hobbies and ordered Vallejo paint I could not get locally. 30 Minutes later I received an email saying my order has shipped from Burbank House of Hobbies. That was quick.
I resumed building about 1:30 and worked until my Girlfriend got home. After Dinner I continued working on models until midnight and went to bed.
Day 2- Friday
Got up early and got to work on the models working until I left for the gym at 8:00 am. I got back home a little before 9:30 and proceeded to work on the models all day.
Day 3- Saturday
Got up early again and started working on models until around 11:00 am and went to see my parents. After seeingmy parents and picking up Triumvirate of the Imperium Box (minus the Cawl I sold when the box came out) and my 3rd sealed Adepta Sororitas box to sale. I then hit up the Warhammer (Goodyear) Store to pick up more GW paint and ended up getting the Vol 3 Novella The Rose in Anger, The Book of Martyrs and Issues 2-4 of the Marneus Calgar Comic book too. Completed my errands and gotback home and began prepping dinner. After dinner I resumed work on models. then got a text message saying on of my employees could not make it for his shift sunday morning.....and I finished the few models I had to work on....
Day 4- Sunday
The plan was to finsih adding models to the squads and get the bases on the models started. But OT at work for 12 hrs.....can't complain. After work I snapped a few pics and put the models in the dispaly case until Thursday evening.
Weekend Talley:
Canonness- Built
Palatine- Built
Imagifer- Built
Hospitaller- Built
8 strong Repentia- Built
Repentia Superior- Built
5 strong Celestian squad- Built
10 Strong Battle Sisters squad x3- 16 of the 30 models built
6 Strong Dominion Squad- Built
7 Strong Seraphim Squad- Built but not attached to bases
6 Strong Retributor Squad- 3 of 6 models built
Exorcist- waiting for it to arrive
Immolator- Unbuilt
2 Rhinos- Unbuilt