Monday, May 31, 2021

Manic Monday # 30

 Memorial Day Weekend with Planned work days on Sunday and Monday....I had a busy 3 days to of modelling this weekend to reach my planned goals:

  • 05/20- 05/23-  was to finish building the last 20 infantry model or so that I needed and start adding debris to their basing
  • 05/27 - adding debris to bases for the models and Build 2 Rhinos, an Immolator and an Exorcist 
  • 05/28- Primed Gloss black Friday
  • 05/29- 2 WEEKS until Game Day
  • 06/03-  Spray Metallics
  • 06/04- Highlight Metallics
  • 06/05- Spray Black Templar Contrast
  • 06/10- Table Top Standard paint time
  • 06/11- Table Top Standard paint time

Thursday 05/27- I sent the day Magnetizing my bases with magnets from Magnet Baron and basing the models. 

Friday 05/28Warhammer Community   announced this new item in collaboration with Marvel Comics


-afternoon I primed the models with Vallejo Surface Primer Gloss Black

- evening I started on the 2 Rhinos I currently have in the army. 

Saturday 05/29- Morning I started on my Flamer immolators and got just need to finish the Turret (no pics)

  • 05/20- 05/23-  Finish building the last 20 infantry model or so that I needed and start adding debris to their basing Completed
  • 05/27 - Adding debris to bases for the models Completed
  • 05/27- Build 2 Rhinos, an Immolator and an Exorcist - Vehicles at 66% completed 
  • 05/28- Primed Gloss black Friday Vehicles and additional cherubs not primed
  • 05/29- 2 WEEKS until Game Day
  • 06/03-  Spray Metallics
  • 06/04- Highlight Metallics
  • 06/05- Spray Black Templar Contrast
  • 06/10- Table Top Standard paint time
  • 06/11- Table Top Standard paint time

Still behind but with the airbrush compressor coming in this week I should be able to crank this all out in time......

Sunday 05/30- The Warhammer Community dropped this on Sunday morning:

Codex and Special Edition Codex

Cards and Dice

Morvenn Vahl


Celestian Sacreseants

Paragon Warsuits

I noticed that Aestred Thurga and the Castigator are not mentioned.....

But not to be out down by the Worship of the God Emperor....

Rule book

Dice and Cards

Burn the Heretics

The Redemptionist Expansion is going up for preorder.......

Look like Ill be at the Warhammer store bright and early Saturday... one of each except for the Celestian Sacreseants and Redemptionist box those I need 2 of.....oh man money getting dropped at the store this week.

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!

     So thanks to the sell of one of my extra Adepta Sororitas Army boxes, I was able to take that money and purchase an Iwata Jet Lite Air Compressor. This is the same style airbush compressor my father has and that I have been using. 

He also gave me his bnib Iwata Gravity feed with Water trap Airbrush which will be my detail airbrush and I purchased this one for basecoating,

I already have the airbrushes now waiting on the compressor and other pieces to come in. Once I get my tax return I'll order this for my airbrush station. 

Monday, May 24, 2021

Manic Monday # 29


Well It was a semi successful build weekend.....

So my planned projects for this past weekend (05/20- 05/23) was to finish building the last 20 infantry model or so that I needed and start adding debris to their basing. 

Well, the Infantry is all built finally....all 67 models...whew. I had to do some converting to get my a Sister Superior to look different along with the Simulacrum Imperialis for the 3rd Battle Sister squad. 

Only basing done was the wall debris for the 7 Seraphim. The Seraphim, Zephyrim, St. Celestine, and the Geminae Superia will have walls....maybe the Mortifier and Petinent Engines too...

I will need to crank out adding debris to bases for the models and Build 2 Rhinos, an Immolator and an Exorcist Thursday (05/27) in the hopes of getting everything Primed Gloss black Friday (5/28). Saturday (05/29) is 2 weeks from the models hitting the table top. Still need to do both metallics, highlight and then smoke coats which will be in the final 2 weekends. I am hoping to brush a few colors on Friday 6/11 to get that table top standard......

I also picked up a Battlefoam 352 Magnarack to transport my models from my FLGS Imperial Outpost Games. But to fully transport them I picked up some magents to put in the bases from Magnet Baron.

I also picked up these 2 items from Little Print Shop 121 on etsy.

I did also bring my Necromunda stuff home from my parents house. Well some of it my Pewter Cawdor Army is still there. One of the Plastic Cawdor Squads will be losing some models to make issonaries/ Preachers for my Order of the Valorus Heart Adepta Sororitas. 

Monday, May 17, 2021

Maniac Monday #28


What a weekend! Wow I actually got a chance to build models....Unfortunately not as many as I wanted to build. My Forces will consist of the following models. 





8 strong Repentia

Repentia Superior

5 strong Celestian squad

10 Strong  Battle Sisters squad x3

6 Strong Dominion Squad

7 Strong Seraphim Squad

6 Strong Retributor Squad



2 Rhinos

Day 1- Thursday

With my upcoming game against my Friend Entropmancer in 5 weeks, I need to get cracking on my army. At this point I had a the following units and models built, most from the Army box set, Seraphim Superior, the 10 Sisters , Canonness and Sister Superior Amalia Novena. I knew the flamer model would be dropped and I would need build as much as possible due to my paint scheme requiring the  color to be sprayed at the same time. 

I set up a work station in the living room, turned on Burn Notice and set myself to work cutting models off the sprue from the 2 Adepta Sororitas Army Boxes  models for my force:

Around 10am I stopped and went to the Gym. 

Post gym I hit up my FLGS Imperial Outpost Games and purchased some paints, 2 boxes of Penitent Engines (one for my 3rd Penitent Engine the other 3 for Mortifier/ Anchorite), and 2 Adepta Sororitas rhinos.  Hit up another two hobby shops to puchase more paint (Hobby Bench and Andy's Hobby Headquarters), went grocery shopping and went back home. After a quick lunch, I hit up Burbank House of Hobbies and ordered Vallejo paint I could not get locally. 30 Minutes later I received an email saying my order has shipped from Burbank House of Hobbies. That was quick. 

I resumed building about 1:30 and worked until my Girlfriend got home. After Dinner I continued working on models until midnight and went to bed.

Day 2- Friday

Got up early and got to work on the models working until I left for the gym at 8:00 am. I got back home a little before 9:30 and proceeded to work on the models all day.

Day 3- Saturday

Got up early again and started working on models until around 11:00 am and went to see my parents. After seeingmy parents and picking up Triumvirate of the Imperium Box (minus the Cawl I sold when the box came out) and my 3rd sealed Adepta Sororitas box to sale.  I then hit up the Warhammer (Goodyear) Store to pick up more GW paint and ended up getting the Vol 3 Novella The Rose in Anger, The Book of Martyrs and Issues 2-4 of the Marneus Calgar Comic book too. Completed my errands and gotback home and began prepping dinner. After dinner I resumed work on models. then got a text message saying on of my employees could not make it for his shift sunday morning.....and I finished the few models I had to work on....

Day 4- Sunday

The plan was to finsih adding models to the squads and get the bases on the models started. But OT at work for 12 hrs.....can't complain. After work I snapped a few pics and put the models in the dispaly case until Thursday evening. 

Weekend Talley:

Canonness- Built

Palatine- Built

Imagifer- Built

Hospitaller- Built

8 strong Repentia- Built

Repentia Superior- Built

5 strong Celestian squad- Built

10 Strong  Battle Sisters squad x3- 16 of the 30 models built

6 Strong Dominion Squad- Built

7 Strong Seraphim Squad- Built but not attached to bases

6 Strong Retributor Squad- 3 of 6 models built

Exorcist- waiting for it to arrive

Immolator- Unbuilt

2 Rhinos- Unbuilt