Thursday, May 17, 2018

Update time

Death watch ETL is still trucking along......not as fast as I would have hoped but any progress is good progress. Last Thursday I spent my after noon priming the models I vowed.....1 1/4 cans of  GW Chaos black and the new can shoot les models then the used can....stupid heat. My fault for trying to rush and not letting it cool off before priming resulting in 2 pieces not getting primed....Murphy's law strikes again.

So the primed pile of stuff

Back in Black

I will try to get the Watch Captain's back/ Cloak and Xenophase sword arm primed today......maybe. Work schedule and other hobbies are making it doubtful they will be primed this week....

So the painted stuff....

This is the WIP of the yet to be named Flesh Tearer Veteran armed with a Chain axe from a Cataphractii Terminator.....GO BIG or go Home.

So far he has received his first base coat, wash, and first layer paint (see below for paints used). Still a Long ways to go on him.

Next up we have Watch Captain Holoverus Pollis of the Crimson Fists. His head is about 90% done, some minor clean up and fixing his eyes and scars and I will probably call it good.

So I paint a lot of flesh mainly cause of my Sisters of Battle/ Adepta Sororitas then 10th Company Space Marine Scout armies I have had over the years.

For Marines I am doing the following method:

-Undercoat black (or grey or white)
-Bugman's glow base
-Reikland Fleshshade (recesses)
-Cadian Flesh
-Teeth, eyes, service studs ie details that are not flesh
-Kislev Flesh

For the Ravenguard (& Successors) I will dry brush Praxeti White to give them paler skin tone.

The reason I stop painting flesh and go into details is then I can fix the mistakes with less steps i have to redo.

Crimson Fist Update:

I'm sitting on right around 4,000 pts of Primaris Marines for my Crimson Fists plus the other Companies I already have for them.

There is 1 more toy I am eyeballing for my primaris but that will have to wait...

Still waiting to hear back from a shapeways designer about my tactical markings. But ordered my paint Vallejo game air Imperial blue to airbrush them all. Along with my 2 separate FW orders, Twin Assault cannon turrets x 3 for my Deathwatch and Imperial Fist Repulsor Doors x 3 and Crimson Fists Icons x2 or 3 for the Crimson Fist project. Plenty of stuff to work on. Hopefully during my staycation in mid June.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Primaris Army and Deathwatch Update

Deathwatch update......not much to report. Hopefully laying down some primer on some models today after work.

Current status:

Watch Captain- sub assemble waiting to be primed
Kill Team 1- sub assemble waiting to be primed
Kill Team 2- Unbuilt
Tarantula- built waiting to be primed
Razorback - built waiting to be primed

I did order more stuff for the DW recently. Another DW Land raider to bring my total 2 for them, 3 Assault cannon Tarantulas so I'll have 3 Heavy Bolters and 3 Assault Cannons, plus the 3 Razorbacks with twin las cannons. And finally some genestealer bits (toxin sacks and extended carapace) to spread around on the bases more DW pouches for figures down the line.

So I made a decision for my Primaris Marines and trying to find a shapeways designer to help me with the last bit.

My Favorite Primarchs are Leman Russ and Rogal Dorn. I've been playing Crimson Fists for year and an as much as I hated the thought of Primaris Crimson Fists it makes sense compared to my other armies.

My Primaris Crimson Fists will Consist of:

Primaris Captain- Plasma pistol Power Fist (relic)
Primaris Librarian
Primaris Chaplain
Primaris LTs

Primaris Ancient
Primaris Apothecary
5 man Reivers x2
3 man Aggressors x2
Redemptor Dread x2

5 man Intercessor Squad x7

3 man Interceptor Squad x3

5 man Hellblaster Squad x3

3 Repulsors

@ 4000 pts

still to purchase FW repulsor doors and CF Icons.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Primaris Marines

Lately I have been listening to the Dark Imperium Audio book thanks to Amazon audible. It is Very pro Ultramarine but whatever.... it does having me thinking about my Primaris marine tho.

Originally they were going to be Imperial Fists painting yellow SUCKS! Then Raptors but it really takes away from the all scout army aspect......

What other chapters do I like?

Space Wolves- They are far to along to be converted into the Sons of Russ....Plus if I every go back to Wolves I'm building Erik Morkai's Great Company...Pass

Black Dragons- Ummm Order of the Martyred Lady Adepta Sororitas Black Armor Red Robes, Deathwatch Adeptus Astartes Black Armor red and silver accents. Black Dragons- Black Armor....pass

Exorcists- Yeah I rather build them using Grey Knight rules...Maybe

Dark Angels- Already 2 Dark Angel players in my group......Pass

Crimson Fists- Sucktasic rules.....and no real flair for the army.....I have almost 2 companies of Regular marines.  I do love the scheme and fluff..Maybe

Raptors- Better rules and hard camo...maybe

Monday, May 7, 2018

ETL Vow in and update

ETL Vow Submitted

-Watch Captain Holoverus Pollis- Combi Flamer, Xenophase Blade
-Kill Team "Saber"- Sgt SIA Bolter, Power Sword, 3 Veterans SIA Bolter, Close combat weapon, 1 Veteran SIA Bolter, Storm Shield
-Kill Team "Rapier"- Sgt SIA Bolter, Power Sword, 2Veterans SIA Bolter, Close combat weapon, 1 Veteran SIA Bolter, Storm Shield, 1 Veteran Frag Cannon
-Tarantula Sentry Gun with Heavy Bolters
- Razorback "Longbow" with twin lascannons

Finally submitted pics and had time to work on some stuff but not much done....
The before pics:



The started tarantula is not a part of the vow but since I did start it I'm including pics of it as proof the unbuilt on is the one I am working on to keep to it honest. 

Razorback and the Watch Captain (all bases from Elriks Hobbies, Corrupted Outpost line)




Kill Team 2


Kill Team 1



Where I stand as we near the end of week 1.


Still to do:
  1. Build 2 more vets (one of which will be the sgt)
  2. Drill mounting points in the bases for kill team #1
  3. Put Tarantula in the ultrasonic cleaner full of soap and water to remove release agent
  4. Build Kill Team #2
  5. base coat everything
  6. paint everything

Side note picked up another DW Land Raider, Corvus, Start Collecting box, and Inquisitor Greyfax to convert into a Interrogator for my Inquistion task force , tons of AdMech, Scion and Guard bits for my Jokaeros, parts to make my Alcolytes and Objective counters, parts to start  my eventual Magos Biologis AdMech contingent.