Monday, January 31, 2022

Manic Monday #62


So another weekend has come and gone. And I spent all but 1 day at work of my normal 4 days off...granted they were shorter shifts. So I was able to do some hobbying.

Thursday evening I built my "Hell Rain" Inquistorial Stormtrooper  Command squad, Primaris Psyker,  and finsihed building Grand Master in Nemesis Dreadknight.

Friday I decided to base and add magnets to all the modesl that needed them. 

Saturday I started highlighting the reds on Inquistion troops

And finally Sunday I started on black Cloth for Stormtroopers. 



So it looks like my group is gonna do a crusade soon... And well I can paint my Sisters, finish my Raptors, or play my Grey Knights. I am leaning towards Grey Knights as I plenty of them done. So I need a Nemesis for my Warlord...Thinking  Khorne winged Daemon Prince. 

Monday, January 24, 2022

Manic Monday #61


Not the outcome I wanted this weekend, but as the saying goes, "Life give you lemons, make lemonade.....With a Nemesis Daemon Hammer!" I had my monthly overtime shift at work Thursday and on top of that I got sick with a cold and had to cancel my Necromunda games for Thursday and Friday. 😒. So week 2 done in campaign and I have yet to play a game. 

Lets start off with pre orders. Becasue I was sick I was not able to to do my usually in store preorder but instead did it from the comfort of home in my comfy clothes....actually I was at my hobby station too. 

So only a few things of interest for this week:

Bonus cards for being an underdog in Necromunda....sure why not. 

Delaque plastic weapon Kit.....Yes please.

Chapter Approved.....Yes 

Everything else was enh. Next week the Warzone Nachmund campaign book goes on preorder I may pick it up upon release. 

In Hobby News

I was not able to do an work on models until Friday evening, as I spent most of the day straighten up the house. Not feeling 100% I decided not to paint and feeling like it was dread time......Dreadnought and DreadKnight

Dreadknight 1- 

FW MKV Dreadnought- Still need to magnets in his arms 

Saturday I was told ot rest so I decided to start on Dread Knights 2 and 3

After a few hours I had almost 3 dread knights done....

3 Down only the big man himself to go...

Going with a design similar to this one

Monday, January 17, 2022

Manic Monday #60


So I say this a lot but seriously what a crazy weekend for hobbying Saturday I had a paintball Tournment but everyother day I accomplished something!

Thursday 01/13-

I entered the Bolter and Chaisword Sally Forth Hobby Challenge   being run by a friend/ Moderator Duz 

2 months to get a unit Parade Ready. So I vowed 5 Scions as part of the Ordo Malleus Inquisitorial Stormtrooper  909th Hell Rain Charlie Company.

So I built the 5 Scions and Tech Priest Engineseer  and set those aside to dry.

I then started painting my 12 month Challenge Vow #2 Terminator Librarian.

On Friday 01/14 I resumed working on models by priming including my Delaque Gang

Then I started setting down reds on the models that need it

I then finished Grey Knight Terminator Librarian Reynald De Vichers

I then stated for Vow #3 of 12 month Hobby Challenge  

And my 6 month Plodding along challenge as 

Sunday I sat down to resume working on models and well

Vow#3 completed (Servitor Squads Montessa and Calatrava are nto completed)

And Ordo Malleus Inquistor Martyn Odum is completed from the Plodding along.

So 2022 Model Completed Count/ Vows completed:

16 Models painted, B&C Jan. Vow- 3 completed,  6 of 36 Grey Knight Terminators completed 

Monday, January 10, 2022

Manic Monday # 59

 Wow another good weekend of hobbying. I was able to do some stuff Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday but I do feel accomplished even if Saturday and Sunday were very minor. 

 So My 43rd Birthday was Thursday and since I was off I set off to accomplish as much as possible. 

First off finished off my My Ordo Malleus Inquistor (to be named later), his Astropath and 3 of 6 Alcolytes.

I then dived into my Bolter and Chaninsword 12 month Hobby Challenge vow and was able to complete it Friday afternoon*

Introducing Grey Knight Terminator Squad Tibauld De Gaudin

New Family Photos!

With Vow #1 completed I Vowed to finish this model by the end of January

Progress Sunday morning

So I have been really struggling with House of Faith for the Upcoming Warhammer Campaign and I decided to do a drastic thing. As much as I love Cawdor and Redemptionist, I had to switch to Delaque/ House of Shadows

A WEEK before the Campaign starts.....UGH

Models built, need to basecoat, and  bases need rings done, Actually like my list. I did go heavy on Psyhic shennigans so I made need to to move it around.

So a project I constantly go back and forth on is Hellrain Scions ie Inquisitoral Stormtroopers. With my Ordo Malleus Inquistor, his alcolytes, Astropath, and Assassins, it made sense to add Scions to the army.  Friday, I bought Ocatrius book 1 for the updated rules Inquistion from IO while on a paint run (I was running low on a few colors mainly Nuln Oil), Ran to Gamer Goat by the house as IO was out of Nuln Oil,  but they did have the start collecting box. I eventually got my Nuln oil form Warhammer Goodyear store....along with my Delaque.

Saturday I meet up with Entropmancer and did the trade for stuff I had for him and stuff he had for me. Got one of the Stormcasst Dragon Riders,  5 Scions and a Tech Priest Engineseer.

So far the army consists of:


Ordo Mallues Lord Inquistor

6 Alcolytes



Eversor Assassin


15 Scions (need another 5)

