Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Quick Update 20 days to go

No pics but quick blurb

Being feeling sick past few days but trying to fight it. Did get to do some painting Thursday and Friday in between dealing with some other stuff. 20 days until the tourney my local clubs 1000 pt tournament and I need to get painting again...

Chaplain need his OD Green Weathered, Decals, and last touches on his base- 95%

Captain started painting him his at his next layer of colors need- <50%

5th Scout squad needs bases and decals -90%

Squads 2-4 need the browns, and other colors touched up and hey will be ready for bases and decals- 60-75% done

Bikes along way from finished....25%

After this Ill have to figure out my next 500 pts for the expansion of the army....

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Chaplain Tiberius Arthurus- 90% complete

Chaplain Tiberius Arthurus of the Raptors Company

Currently Assigned: to the 10th Company and en Route to Khymara System

Parts used:


Body- B@C MkIV Marine

Crozius- B@C Chaplain

Skull Helmet- FW Night Lords Helmet

Book- Grey Knights

Rosarius- Terminator bit

Need to finish base, static grass, add a skull on the base, decal, and weather.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Khymara strike force chugging along

So work continues on my Raptors Strike Force. The focus has been on painting and building my 1000 pt list for my gaming club's fun tourney. Rule of cool is in effect for my tourney list. Still lots to do before February 20th for the Tourney.


Captain- (Primed)
Chaplain- (85% complete: highlights, touch up, and finish basing)

Scout Squads x5- (60% complete: highlights, touch ups, and basing still needed)

Fast Attack
Scout Bike Squad -(Primed)

Heavy Support
Predator Destructor- (Completed)
Mortis Dreadnought- (Completed)

Objective Counters
Terminator Teleport Homers x6- (Primed)

The Raptors Strike Force continues to grow.....via the planning stages.  I recently pulled out of storage a 2nd Storm Eagle, Storm Raven/ Fire Raptor depending if I find all the parts for it. A land raider has been added and soon I will start building it soon for another B&C Group Build. My Crimson Fist "T-55" Predator Destructor is being allocated to the Raptors. I purchase parts for a 2nd Dreadnought this one will be a Mortis dual autocannon dreadnought also. I scored a FW 5 man Reconnaissance Space Marine squad on ebay so I have sternguard. I also picked up various parts and bits to add to vehicles, parts to make a Apothecary attached to the 10th Co, parts for the 2 LTs for the 10th company and after seeing an amazing conversion for a company ancient on B&C I am doing it.
Courtesy of Firenze on B&C  
This is what a Raptors Ancient should look like. 

  And finally I found 25 plastic scouts (unbuilt) and almost 40 pewter scouts......yeah I may build a full 10th Company.