Monday, October 10, 2022

Manic Monday # 85


Well another weekend has come and gone. House still is disarray. Working OT every week. Vicious cycle...

New purchases

So I had to do a hobby shop run as I near the Raven Guard build project completions. I ordered a metal cup for my oil washes, and Vallejo Metal Color Exhaust Manifold to follow this paint tutorial  Form Cult of Paint. Then I needed new sanding sticks and some other things so I hit up some local hobby shops for more paint, Plastic rods, and plastic cement. I did order more Pop Goes the Monkey stuff too. Along with another plastic Contemptor and more RG dice along with a 2nd Sword Praetor. 

My Warhammer+ voucher arrived and on Saturday I preordered my Proteus Land Raider. 

My Forgeworld, Forge of Mars, BattleBling and etsy orders arrived also. 


So on the modeling front I was able to build my Master of Signals, and my 3 Tactical Support Squads (Rotor Cannon, Plasma rifle, and Meltagun).

Master of Signals

Support Squads


I also continued basing in this video from Tabletop Skirmish Games. It looked a little bland and when the vallejo pumice dried you could not see some areas so I added my standard basing material fine/ coarse ballast mixture and red bricks to the wooden stir sticks, cork board, skulls, and pumice on bases. I began running low so I mixed a new batch. Once mixed I noticed it was different as i had made it years ago and figured I try something new I learned from Luke at Geek Gaming Scenic and threw some (ok a lot) Tile Grout into the mixture.

It gives it a nice war torn look. In the Pictures below you can see the pre and post second dipping in flock. 

pre final basing

post final basing

Next is trying to get the Plasma and Rotor Cannon Tactical Support Squads basing done and then Priming my 1500 pt list.

Monday, October 3, 2022

Manic Monday # 84


Sneaky Sneaky

Same old broken record....too much work, house under construction, not time to paint blah blah blah

UPS is being difficult. Trying to Get my FW package and it is signature required, so signed slip to get package.....they pick up slip and leave black slip. WTF

Tortuga stuff arrived and well I got 1 MK3 tabard set instead of 2nd running legs....Entropmancer  will like those. 

Thanks to Hurricane Ian, my Etsy Shoulder pads are in Florida still. 

Decals, Librarian, back packs and shoulder pads  arrived. 

Saturday I saw most of the Metal Head Armory crew at a Local GS. Entropmancer and I traded bits (yes more MK 6 Helms!), half my Heavy Weapons for half the Support weapons, parts for my Chaplain, and purchased my Heavy Bolters and Missile Launchers. 

Sunday it was announced that the Land Raider Proteus was going on Presale Saturday.......WOOT WOOT. Since I only play inside the group I think I'm not going to build the assault ramp version as it looks less pleasing.....

Old hotness

Ugly Newness

Still need Sicaran #2 and Plastic Contemptor #2 also. 

What I built this weekend:

I added magnets to all my bases (40 32mm, 1 40mm, 1 60mm base and Storm Eagle's base)

So needing the instructions to build MK VI marines into Heavy Weapons (arms matching to bodies) I went ahead and built my 5 Autocannon and 5 Lascannon Heavy Weapon Marines. 



After getting my half of the support weapon blister, I started building my Support Squad Rotor Cannon guys..

...only got partially through one model cause I needed to work on these guys. (I can probably sneak the Support Squad into work and build them there next weekend).

One of my favorite (non Legion Specific) Units are Seeker squads. I feel like they are the character hunters of Legions.....And I had to have a full 10 man Squad of them (plus a Proteus)


Still waiting on their heads......UPS

but here is this weeks build log.