Monday, March 29, 2021

Manic Monday #24

 Well I missed last weeks post....and not much to talk about this week. I did not preorder any of the Drukhari stuff due to playing paintball during preorder time and it looks like the normal shennigans happened, where items are sold out from the start. 

Oh Well

I have been dealing with a hand issue lately a few weeks or so. I believe it is a tendon that is inflamed so not like I can do much modeling. It is weird. Soreness in the thumb and occassionally my hand cramps or I cant open things. I did get a brace to wear for a few days, weeks to see it helps. It feels like it is. 

I am still able to play paintball but that may be because I can shoot left handed and right handed. Last weekend was a stock class event, 12 grams and Stick feeds.

Hawaiian Shirt, Phantom VSC pump, 10 rd tubes, 12 grams. Stock Class Life.

 And this past weekend took My niece (on my Gf's side)  Kristen out for her first time  to play paintball. She's been taking pictures and wanted to play.

 This coming weekend, I will be takign my Niece (my sister's daughter) Ami, out to play for the first time. The following week Kristen maybe going out as there is another pump event. 

Monday, March 15, 2021

Maniac Monday # 23

 So another weekend of no progress....

But another weekend preview dropped some more goodies

Warhammer Community

Campaign book

Cult of Strife!

Adepta Sororitas



Then Mondays Warhammer Commuity Post


So lots to buy in the upcoming weeks. I received my Pariah Nexus Card and still waiting on the War Zone book and Pariah Nexus rule book. 

But I did score something Non 40k related 

TMNT- Last Ronin #1 

TMNT Last Ronin 2

So when I heard about this Comic series I was like I need to read this but I am very infrequent to my local Comic Shop as I only get Daredevil now that Moon Knight, Deathstroke, and Punisher series have ended. So when the oppurtunity to purchase the Last Ronin #1 First Prinitng came up I jumped on it and at cover price not $50+ as seen on ebay.  Looking forward to reading it. 

Monday, March 8, 2021

Manic Monday # 22

 Modeling done this week.....nada once again. Family commitments and work kinda too the thought away. Honestly I have alot of stuff I am putting off doing that needs to get done at the house. 

A few weeks back I  entered a contest sponsored by Fallout Hobbies and Friday it was announced I won a free Custom 3d print of shoulder pads and various doors including repulsor class doors. I sold my Repulsors a little while ago but still have the Executioner variant. The hard part was deciding on what chapter to do. The Executioner does not fit my Raptors. It was currently assigned to the Mortifactors but hey have thier shoudler pad icons already. So I went with Exorcists. 

Warhammer Community just dropped another Piety and Pain preview

Nothing new here same old pictures

Now we have stats and some rules for the models.....Exciting.

Along with this previous Drukhari preview  things are starting to heat up with 03/20 only 12 days away....

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Wednesday Forgeworld stuff ordered

So Forgeworld  did their Pre Order Release on Friday to be shipped on 03/05. Rarely do I feel I need certain things preordered from Forgeworld but this was an exception

Rattus Tatterbottom House Cawdor Scum. Eventually I will get around to the rest of my House Cawdor Gang and with the rumored Redemptionist returning via Warhammer Community Underhive Informant, it may be sooner than expected. 

With Forgeworld I usually try to get a few things to avoid paying shipping and that way I'm ordering a ton of stuff instead of a lot of stuff here an there.

My other purchases are for the Raptors.

Vigilator and Recon marines or in my case Possible Lias or Scout Co. Captain and Sternguard Squad.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

White Dwarf 162 Index Astartes: Exorcists Preview

 So Warhammer Community dropped a bombshell that rocked the Grey Knight and Sons Rogal Dorn 40k Community. As a member of both I am happy for the annoucement. 

From Warhammer Community page 

Index Astartes: Exorcists

The Exorcists have long been held among the most controversial Chapters of Space Marines, and with good reason. Forged from the genetic stock of the Primarch Rogal Dorn, they share many of the stoic traits of Imperial Fists successors. Yet, they’re also possessed (quite literally) of a unique quality unlike that of any other Chapter. 

Were the wider Imperium to learn the source of the Exorcists’ apparent resistance to the otherworldly powers of Chaos, they would undoubtedly declare them Traitoris Extremis and purge them from existence.

You can read all about their shocking lore, then field them in battle thanks to an official rules supplement for Codex: Space Marines, which includes their bespoke Chapter Tactic, By My Will I Deny Thee.

So Exorcists are no Longer rumored Successors to Grey Knights but are confirmed to be Imperial Fist lineage. This makse sense to me as Dorn was the last known surving Primarch and knew the power of the warp and Daemons. 

I am really looking forward to building my mostly Gravis Exorcists army!

Monday, March 1, 2021

Manic Monday # 21....not really Manic

 So no modeling done this weekend. I went out of town to play in a Paintball event in Marana, Arizona called Reclamation at BKW Paintball Field with all my Teammates on the Fluffy Bunnies Pump team. 

09 is me

 The only model update was my Detolf shelves arrived, GW Order had been mailed out finally, and Fallout Hobbies Order arrived.