It's Monday, so a new year Manic Monday. Sixteen days into the new year, and lost a Friend/ Co Worker, worked OT for 3rd week in a row. Fun times
Hobby News:
Arks of Omen - Abaddon was released this week and well I was weak and purchased it. I bought for board actions.....but my group is investing 2 boards in it.
In surprise announcement GW announced this 2 sets
For some reason this Boarding Action marine combat patrol perks my interest...…and I don't mean a little. Looking at the previous Combat Patrols (besides Genestealer cult ie Necromunda gang) I have yet to see a must buy until now. But more on that later. Plus Khorne Bezerker Combat patrol was previewed also.
Hobby time:
Well I sat down and started building 40k models again and well at the end of the weekend here was were I was at:
2 5 man terminator squads built. One with Swords and other with halberds both have Justicar with Daemon Hammers and Incinerator.
After building those and contemplating my Board action Marines, Raptors not feeling right as I want a unique force for Boarding Actions.... to go along with my Grey Knights, Inquisitorial forces which are getting buffed by the following models...along with the Star Striders models.
And well the Chaplain has been a slow paint progress but with 10 easy build Assaults' Intercessors and another 10 Multi piece Assault Intercessors in the boarding action box...Looks like 10 easy build are now going to be Death Company.
yup Blood Angels coming soon!
I ordered 2 sprues for the boarding action marines and codex from Amazon...because patience is a virtue I lack sometimes.
Now why Blood Angels.......1 reason and 1 reason only.....
One of my favorite images
with the models I have, and between the Blood Angels Combat Patrol and Boarding Combat Patrol boxes I'll have a decent force.