I reversed the LT's Helmet stripe colors. and I could have left it like this but it really started bugging me mentally.
So I had to fix it last night. Then I realized the white stripe was too big so ill fix that tonight maybe......
then I started working on my next models, the Inceptors starting with the Veteran Sgts helmet and changing all the bare head models hair to white.
Still need to do the metallic colors on it.
So I am planning on my specialty units (Inceptors, Hellblasters, Reivers, and Aggressors) to be Lead by Veteran Sgts along with Intercessor Squad I. This may end up only being 1 squad from each of the options .
Currently in my Primaris Collection
- Gravis Captain
-Captain (Shipped from GW)
-Librarian (Shipped from GW)
-2 LTs
-Primaris Ancient
-3 Intercessor Squads (I-III)
-2 Inceptors Squads (VII-VIII)
-2 Hellblaster Squads (IX-X)
I will be preordering First Strike this Weekend so I will have a partial Intercessor squad and a Reiver squad shortly.
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