Predator Vulture update
Just about done with my Predator Destructor and 48 days to go. It just needs: clear coats, decals, camo netting, and the hedgerow cutter needs a mount built and to be painted.
As you can see the tank is almost playable minus the clear coat .
Thinking about the rest of the squadron I may go with a a sandbag tank as Tank I
and a Hessain as tank II and this one will end up as tank III....still undecided.
I decided that once this one is completed my next Talon's Reach vow will be my rifleman dreadnought.
Sadly it not much conversion work on it, but that gives me 2 vehicles done of the many for this army.
Still in debate on the Fire Raptor if it will stay in my Raptors or go to my 30k Emperors' Children.
Whats Coming down the Pipeline
I am planning on adding 3 Landspeeder Tempests, 3 Thunderfire cannons, and 3 each of the Lascannon, Heavy bolter, and Missile defense system tarantulas. Also I am going to add a Damocles Command Rhino. The Command Rhino's radar dish will be interchangeable with the 3rd missile system.
Also adding a "Telion" model to run one of the squads (for kill team/ 9 scout squad) I may build him as is minus the head so he can carry nihlius. Also I really want to work on my MKIV camo Sternguard Kill team using the Raptors, my objective counters, and my scout squad Kill team. I still need to paint the rest of my 10th Co models and build the landspeeder Typhoons and Storms.
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